My Food Community Supports Good Food Champions To Thrive

My Food Community (MFC) alumni, Jannine McMahon, was recently invited to talk at the Oxford Farming Conference about her organic community farm in Salford. We’ve celebrated her success, sharing an example of how the MFC programme has shone a light on the incredible work of community leaders.

What is My Food Community?

Run by Food for Life Get Togethers, MFC is an accelerated leadership programme offered to community food organisers. It focuses on ‘championing good food’ in the community, through food that’s good for climate, nature and health.

Having completed the MFC programme in 2022 Jannine has been supported and nourished in her community work, growing key skills such as confidence in public speaking. It has also allowed her to network and connect with others who are championing good food in their area and across the UK.

Highlighting the importance of good food for all at the Oxford Farming Conference 

The OFC is a UK conference that focuses on all elements of British agriculture, bringing farmers, politicians, agribusiness, NGOs, leading scientists, opinion formers and scholars together each January. Jannine was invited to talk at this year’s conference, an opportunity for her to celebrate and inform others in the industry about her important work on Moss Lane Farm, a family-run farm that’s supported by community members and volunteers. The farm is in the heart of Chat Moss in Greater Manchester, an area of mossland with a great source of wildlife and remnants of lowland bog habitat.

As a Soil Association certified organic farm, Moss Lane Farm is helping to reconnect the community with nature and educate the public on the importance of local produce. Jannine’s mission is to protect the soil, preserve nature and grow healthy food that’s accessible for all. For instance, she recently held an event on the farm with our Soil Ambassador, Aneeshwar Kunchala, and pupils at St Joseph the Worker Primary School, who learned all about the importance of soil.

Reflecting on her experience, Jannine commented:

“The My Food Community Programme has built my confidence in public speaking and helped to shine a spotlight on the farming and community work I was doing. This all helped when I was given the opportunity to deliver a talk at the OFC. It was an amazing experience; I got a little stage fright but the feedback I received made me feel empowered and I must have done much better than I thought!”

Chandra Pankhania, UK My Food Community Manager, said:

"Jannine is a valued member of the My Food Community programme, always finding ways to put the learning and theory into practice.  The voice of an organic community farmer has allowed other members to learn from her experiences and connect with the farming community." 

Jannine is one of many brilliant and unique community leaders on the MFC programme, who are being supported to become good food champions in their local area.

You can find more about My Food Community here.

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